Fremont-Page Council donates to various organizations
The Fremont-Page Council of the West Central Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS® recently donated to several community organizations. Shenandoah REALTORS® presented checks to the Shenandoah Education Foundation, the Shenandoah Food Pantry, the Shenandoah Historical Society, the Shenandoah Fire Department and the Shenandoah Ambulance Service. Pictured are: REALTOR® Shawn Munsinger, REALTOR® Janell McIntyre, Corby Fichter of the Shenandoah Education Foundation, Jeanine Liljedahl of the Shenandoah Food Pantry, Kevin Livengood, Sally Brownlee, Jane Connell, Lillian Irvin and REALTOR® Joan Schebaum of the Shenandoah Historical Society, Ty Davidson of the Shenandoah Ambulance Service and Ron Biggers of the Shenandoah Fire Department. Clarinda REALTORS® chose to give their share to the Midwest Dive Team, the Clarinda Community Food Pantry, the CRHC Ambulance Service, the Lied Public Library and the Clarinda Fire Department. Pictured from these organizations are: Jerry Lager, Bruce Gruber, Tony Card, Carrie Ross and Katie Shelton representing the CRCH Ambulance Service, Andrew [...]